Conversion Interactive Agency | Fleet Intel Goes Above and Beyond…
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Fleet Intel Goes Above and Beyond Driver Pay

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By: Janet Parr, National Account Manager, Conversion Interactive Agency

Posted: Feb 22, 2023

Categories: Blog

Ask any truck driver that spends nights away from home and they will tell you it can get lonely on the road.

Sure, they can communicate with other drivers, listen to music, talk radio, podcasts, etc., but does that take the place of having someone to share the road with? What about the father or mother who hardly sees their child, or the husband or wife who doesn’t see their spouse for several days?

As carriers continue to compete for drivers in such a highly competitive market, it may benefit them to offer drivers the ability to have companionship while out on long hauls. What if something as simple as creating or updating your rider policy or even your pet policy could be the determining factor in why a driver chooses to drive for you instead of your competition?

Many carriers have a rider and/or pet policy. Are you one of them? If not, perhaps you need to be. However, before you decide to make changes to any of your policies, it’s important to know what the competition is doing. How will you know if your competition is offering a more driver friendly rider or pet policy?

The answer is Fleet Intel.

The data featured on Fleet Intel is not limited to driver pay figures. By using the Survey Data Builder feature, subscribers can study and analyze the rider and pet policies offered by other carriers and use this information to help them decide if offering or changing these policies could potentially give them a competitive edge.

While driver pay is certainly the main factor in recruiting, other benefits and offerings should not be overlooked. Fleet Intel is the one-stop hub for investigating a multitude of factors that can give carriers the information they need to influence drivers to drive for them.

See for yourself how Fleet Intel can help you recruit drivers by contacting Janet Parr at 615-538-5291 or to book a personal presentation.