ACTIVATE Your Driver Recruiting Skills

Are you looking to activate your hiring potential, and learn how to recruit at your highest potential? Join us in Nashville July 17-19, 2022 for Activators! We are thrilled to welcome driver recruiters to learn and collaborate.
Led by Rob Hatchett, President of Fleet Intel, and Matt Beach, President of Ten4 Recruiting, Activators will be packed with sessions filled with beneficial information for driver recruiters who are new to the industry, and for those who just need a review on Tenstreet. Rob and Matt are two of our industries most knowledgeable recruitment professionals. They have mastered best practices needed to help you reach your highest potential. Attendees will leave the event enlightened and refreshed on how to perform to the best of their abilities.
During the informational sessions attendees will discuss best practices for mastering Tenstreet, dominating the first 30 days, overcoming objections, and will learn to talk the “trucker talk”. They will be able to bring back these skills to your recruiting departments and your company will benefit from this in day-to-day operations.
One of the biggest challenges in this industry is filtering through the thousands of driver applications received daily. Driver recruiters make many phone calls a day in hopes of hiring the perfect driver for your company. During Activators, attendees will learn how to best take on these challenges and hire the best candidates possible.
ConversionU is excited and ready to host another amazing event for our peers in this difficult driver market. We hope that you will be able to join us and learn from the best in the industry. You will not want to miss this conference that will have a major impact and bring your company great success in the future years. We hope to see you July 17-19 in Nashville for our first ever Activators!
Space is limited, click here to register today!